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It's Been Months..

June 25 2024

I was really hating the last layout so i wanted to change it already. I wanted something Fresh and new. I am liking these looks now. Just coming up with something different every month is hard ya know. Well i moved some pages around and updated links. I need to add 3 pages on this one and i will be done for the day unless i come up with someting different for another site lol. I get bored i been up since 7am. I havent even took a nap yet. So i'll probably sleep good tonight. Just wanted to updated and let you know i was alive!

Its been a while - 3/11/2024

Ill be working on this during the week with tons of other thingss to be added. Just wanted to change the layout. hope you like this one!

Novemer 15 2023

Hey whats up im still working on some of the pages so bare with me on trying to add more stuff so you have more stuff to look at. Jeffree star page is done for now. Will update again a couple of days with new looks. Im going to add brands of makeup to the list on the left. So anyways i put up a cbox up as well! talk soon! if u wanna be affies let me know!